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RM 59.90
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Introducing Q Baby Market Australia 600+ Walnut Oil! 🇦🇺✈️
Is your baby ready for their first taste of solid food? 🍼👶🏻 Wondering how to choose the perfect oil? Look no further!

💕【Super Food】: Give your little one the best start on their healthy journey. Packed with nutrients and made from top-quality ingredients, Q Baby Market Australia 600+ Walnut Oil is the natural and pure choice.
💕【Super Oil】: Each drop of this 1st Cold Pressed & Extra Virgin Premium Walnut Oil fuels your baby with energy and nutritional value. Embrace a healthier way of growing together!

Get ready to enhance your baby with best nutrition with Q Baby Market Australia 600+ Walnut Oil. 😍👶🏻🌟

🧠𝐐 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭® Premium 600+ Walnut Oil:
❤️Perfect for the whole family to enjoy the ultimate superfood, top-quality oil.
🌟1st Cold Pressed
🌟Extra Virgin
👍🏻Each bottle contains 600+ freshly cold pressed walnuts
💕Unrefined & Unfiltered 
🌟Superior Selected Freshness Australia Walnut

🇦🇺100% Directly Imported From New Zealand 🇦🇺100% Directly Imported From New Zealand 👶🏻𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞❤️

❤️No chemical additives


❤️Zero sodium

❤️Vegan Friendly


❤️No preservatives

❤️Zero trans fats

The nutritional value and health benefits of our Walnut Oil:

🧠Rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-9, crucial for brain development and health.

🧠Omega-3 fatty acids contribute positively to baby's cognitive growth, vision, and immune system health.

🌟Abundant in vitamin E, an antioxidant

❤️Enhances nutrient absorption from food

❤️Aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K

🤞🏻Helps improve various skin conditions

👧🏻Alleviates constipation, promoting softer and smoother bowel movements

🤰🏻Beneficial for expectant mothers, benefiting both mother and baby

👶🏻Ideal for baby's first solid food - healthy, delicious, and nutritious, perfect for infants beginning their solid food journey

🧠Walnuts are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. Alpha-linolenic acid(ALA) & linoleic acid (LA)contained in walnut oil, are the essential nutrients for babies to develop the normal functions of the brain and vision.

🤰🏻Similarity fatty acid profile between breast milk and walnut oil: ALA are essential and must obtain from the diet. Babies can get sufficient ALA through their mother's breast milk. Walnut oil is one of the oil comprising a significant amount of ALA.

🌟Support Brain Health And Improve Cognitive Function: Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is an essential omega-3 fatty acid in nuts such as walnuts. It is a vital fatty acid with brain function for neuronal cell growth. Several studies confirmed that children need these fatty acids at all stages for forming babies’ brains healthy.

💕Promote Healthier Immune Responses in The Body: When a baby is born, his immune system is not fully developing. Linoleic acid(LA) found in walnut is called omega-6 fatty acid, which can boost the immune system of the infant and children. In addition, Omega 6 is also critical to the nervous system of the infant and children.

❤️Q Baby Market 600+ Walnut Oil fully complies with the recommendations of the American Heart Association (AHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) for high-quality edible oils. It contains over 50% of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Additionally, the Malaysian Ministry of Health advises that daily saturated fat intake should be less than 10%.

我们隆重向你推荐对宝宝🧠脑部发育有各种好处的澳大利亚🇦🇺 Q Baby Market 600+ 核桃油

【Super Food超级食物】这款核桃油天然纯净的辅食油绝对是宝宝的最佳选择🌱👶🏻。不仅富含营养,更是采用优质原料制作而成,确保每一滴【Super Oil超级好油】都充满能量和营养,为宝宝健康成长保驾护航,快来体验吧!🌟🥰

🧠𝐐 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭® 特级初冷榨600+核桃油:


 🌟特级初冷压 | 1st Cold Pressed | Extra Virgin

 👍🏻每瓶含有 600多粒以上个的核桃初冷榨

 ✅无过滤,保留最高营养 | Unrefined | Unfiltered



 👶🏻𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞❤️








Q Baby Market核桃油营养价值及健康益处:







 👧🏻 改善便秘,便便柔软滑润

 🤰🏻 孕妈妈摄取,孕育婴儿同时收益


🌟核桃中的α-亚麻酸(Alpha-linolenic acid, ALA)和亚油酸(linoleic acid ,LA)对于胎儿、幼儿大脑发育尤其重要、在眼睛视网膜中占比例约50%以上。具有增强智力、提高记忆力、保护视力的作用。


🧠ALA也是Omega 3系列脂肪酸中的其中一种。Omega 3对婴幼儿的认知发展、维持脑部细胞的正常运作,提高记忆力、专注力和视力的发育有着非常重要的作用。在宝宝第一年成长中头部正在迅速增长与发展;研究发现这期间若摄取Omega3不足可能妨碍儿童智力发展。

🌟LA(亚油酸)是属于omega 6不饱和脂肪酸,可以提高儿童的免疫系统和儿童的神经系统的关键发育。也对宝宝身体细胞生长、肌肉的发育起着非常重要的角色。

❤️Q Baby Market 600+核桃油完全符合美国心脏协会(AHA),世界卫生组织(WHO)对优质食用油的建议,单 元不饱和与多元不饱和脂肪酸的含量必须高过50%。同时马来西亚卫生部也建议:饱和脂肪酸的一天摄取必须少于10%。

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